Statement of Faith
What is your statement of faith? Maybe this is a question that you thought could never apply to an individual, but only to an organization such as a church, denomination, or parachurch ministry. While our church certainly does have a statement of faith (go to our church’s website in order to read this), each individual has their own as well. A statement of faith is a list of ideals, whether short or long, which detail one’s beliefs regarding matters of faith. In theory, they should serve as a guide for a church or ministry in regard to how they will put their faith into practice.
Unfortunately, you have probably known a church whose “statement of faith” was not well represented by the membership’s practice of the faith. Our sinful condition has a propensity toward saying about ourselves what we wish to be true while lacking the moral fortitude to comply. This applies not only on the organizational level, but on the personal one as well. Most of us desire to have the reputation as one who pleases God. However, reputation (what others think about us) is often times a great distance from character (who we actually are). It is to this very point to which Jesus shares some of His most scathing words in Matthew 23.
This past Wednesday night the Finance Committee and the Nominating Committee presented this upcoming year’s budget and list of leaders. Not only are these proposals critically imperative for fulfilling the mission of our church, but I believe that they serve as practical “statements of faith.” These proposals exemplify the values of our church in both how we utilize our resources and the character which we expect from our leadership. These documents are available for your review, and I strongly encourage you to pick one up today. Our church members will officially vote to approve these proposals on August 16. Please carefully read both the budget and the leadership list. Ask questions and provide comments if necessary, but please pray that we will faithfully use the resources God has given us for Kingdom purposes. Please pray for those who have sacrificially devoted themselves to service. Allow this to be a point at which you seriously consider how you will “put into practice” the budget through your sacrificial generosity and how you will “put into practice” servant leadership by using your gifts.
So, what about your statement of faith? If a proposal regarding the manner in which you spend your money or the expectation for your character of service were to be put on display, what would it contain? Unquestionably, all of us have a long way to go in order to lessen the distance between what we should be in theory and what we actually are in practice. Thank God we can look to the sacrifice and resurrection of Christ as the only and complete means in order to find acceptance by God! As we strive to please God, let’s take heart as we hang on to the promise, “The one who calls you is faithful and He will do it” (1 Thessalonians 5:24)!
Yet to have arrived but sure to get there,