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Praying for a Missions Team

I am amazed every day at the new opportunities which God provides to our church in sharing the gospel with our community. Each week we have new families and individuals visiting our church during our morning services. Just a few short weeks ago our VBS involved almost 200 participants for five straight nights (dozens of these participants are without any church affiliation). Ongoing ministries of our church are connecting different age groups and serving to meet the needs of people of all walks of life. Though we live in a time in which the darkness of sin is great, the light of the gospel is shining forth! Surely God has placed MBC in this exact location that we might share the hope of Christ with the brokenness which is all around us. The work is great but our God is greater (Matthew 19:26)! Adding to this excitement in ministry opportunities is our upcoming mission to Toronto, Canada. Our team will be working with A Better City Church to reach their community with the same gospel so desperately needed here. We will be helping with a marriage conference, working with children, canvassing communities, and developing gospel conversations all within a span of a few short days. While many within our church may be incapable of directly participating in this opportunity, the need for our entire church to live missionally is urgent. In the coming days, our team needs you to commit to pray diligently for our church’s mission in Toronto. Below, you will find eight specific ways in which you will partner with our team in prayer.

1. Pray that the mission team will not let the platform take the place of the mission. Our main priority in calling is to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20). The platform of hosting a marriage conference and children’s ministry serve this primary task.

2. Pray for the spiritual preparation and development of the mission team. Paul’s prayer for boldness in sharing the gospel (Ephesians 6:19) came on the heels of his explanation of spiritual warfare. We are charging enemy territory with the gospel and we will need the covering of God.

3. Pray for the flexibility of the mission team. Our best laid plans for ministry in Toronto may be changed by God (Acts 16:6-10). The team must trust God and make revision when needed.

4. Pray for the financial support of the mission team. Like Jesus’ disciples, the team is depending upon God to meet financial needs (Matthew 10:9-10). Expenses can be great and financial sacrifices have already been made. God has and will provide for each team member.

5. Pray for the health, safety, and travel of the mission team. Travel to a faraway location can be inconvenient at best and dangerous at worst. Just as Paul prayed for God’s protection in his travels (Acts 27:24), so we must do the same.

6. Pray for the spiritual wisdom and loving service of the mission team. Our team needs an abundance of wisdom and love in order to share the gospel with hurting people. God desires to give it to us as we offer ourselves to His mission (Ephesians 3:14-20).

7. Pray for the Spirit to open blinded eyes and that unbelievers would see Christ in all of his glory. Pray that the Holy Spirit would go ahead of your mission team and prepare the hearts of the lost to respond to Christ and that the Spirit would draw unbelievers to Christ through the preaching of the gospel (2 Corinthians 4:4-6).

8. Pray for the spiritual development, strength, and growth of our partner church in Toronto. Pray for A Better City Church, Alex and his family, and their leaders to have strength, growth, and success in fulfilling God’s disciple-making mission in their context (Acts 20 17-38).

Your partnership in prayer is not an advantage to our team; it is vital. As you pray, expectantly wait to hear how God is using all of us to reach not only this community, but also people from all cultures for Christ!



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