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Remembering the Persecuted Church

I first became aware of the stories of persecuted believers several years ago when I read the book Jesus Freaks (a collection of stories from persecuted believers, similar to the classic Foxe’s Book of Martyrs). These actual stories of believers around the world persevering under severe persecution for faith in Christ have greatly inspired my own faith. I have been reminded to faithfully persevere through whatever struggles God allows to come upon me. But even more so, I am challenged to pray for the gospel to continue to advance in every part of the world through the witness of my fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. They unswervingly follow Jesus Christ, regardless of the difficulty this brings. By their testimonies, I remember that I am called to no less.

The following stories are just a sampling of believers who are currently experiencing persecution. Voice of the Martyrs, a ministry dedicated to serving the persecuted Church, makes these stories available through several means. These particular stories can be found at, a website which connects the stories of persecuted believers with the global Church.

  • According to Christian leaders in the Indian state of Uttar Pradesh, a significant increase in attacks on Christians is part of a planned campaign by Hindu nationalist leaders. Every day, four or five churches are attacked, according to the leader of a church planting network, and the number of arrests of Christians is unprecedented. In addition, the offices of some Christian organizations have also been attacked. The attacks, the Christian leader explained, are the result of rapid church growth in the region. House churches have grown dramatically, with several serving thousands of members each week. “The church is bigger than the Hindu nationalist leaders knew,” he said. “The church has become too big to ignore.” Praise God for the growth of His church in this Hindu stronghold, and pray for the strength and endurance of those facing persecution.

  • Malik and his wife were thrown out of his family’s house after he told them they were Christians. But he refuses to return to Islam, even though his father has offered to let them re-join the family if he would do so. Malik was a Muslim for a long time, but he struggled to understand Muslim traditions. When an evangelist shared the gospel with him, Malik readily accepted Christ. He kept his Christian faith to himself at first but eventually told his family. They immediately began to threaten the couple, even telling his wife’s family they would kill her. Finally, the couple was thrown out of the family home, and they left everything behind. Since then, Malik has been growing in faith. “Malik is doing major progress as a Christian,” a VOM worker said. Pray that Malik and his family will remain strong in faith.

As we remember our brothers and sisters in Christ in a special time of prayer today, may these stories encourage and challenge your own faith. While such persecution may be beyond the grasp of our personal experience, would we be faithful to Christ regardless of what hardship it might bring? Can you genuinely admit that you are fully surrendered to Jesus Christ so that nothing hinders your faithfulness to Him? Do you treasure Christ more than anything else?

The Scriptures implore us to “Continue to remember those in prison as if you were together with them in prison, and those who are mistreated as if you yourselves were suffering” (Hebrews 13:3). I encourage you to visit for unique ways in which you can become aware of persecuted believers and partner alongside them in prayer.



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