Exposing and Opposing the Equality Act
This past March the U.S. House of Representatives passed “HR-5” by a vote of 236-173. “HR-5”, also called the “Equality Act of 2019”, will have sweeping and devastating effects upon our culture should it come into law. Should the Equality Act become law, it would remake the landmark 1964 Civil Rights Act—which aimed to correct systemic and institutional racial discrimination—by establishing new federally protected categories of sexual orientation and gender identity in every sphere of society, including religious institutions. Of particular note, the Equality Act explicitly states that the provisions in the 1993 Religious Freedom Restoration Act—which aimed to ensure that “interests in religious freedom are protected”—cannot be used as a defense in cases in which sexual orientation or gender identity discrimination is in question.
How will this legislation effect freedoms which we currently enjoy as Americans? The following list, provided in the most recent edition of Decision magazine, though not exhaustive, records several examples of changes that will be wrought by the Equality Act.
Churches, religious schools and other faith-based nonprofits would be required to abide by the newly framed Civil Rights Act and related codes.
The rights of parents to make choices for their children on questions of sexuality or gender, including medical treatments, would be superseded by federal civil rights code. The law would strip parents of their right to raise and educate their own children if their beliefs contradict government mandates.
Men identifying as women would have rights to women’s private spaces such as bathrooms, locker rooms, prison cells, homeless shelters, women’s shelters, hospital rooms, women’s conferences, college dorms, elder care facilities and sports leagues.
Bakers, florists, photographers, videographers, web designers, wedding venue owners and public officials who believe in traditional marriage would be targeted.
Faith-based adoption agencies or women’s shelters could be forced to shut down.
Doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists and counselors would be coerced and threatened to abide by the new sexual orthodoxy.
People who fail to use transgender pronouns could be subject to fines or firing.
The new sexual orthodoxy would be mandated into curricula and would be the required norm on field trips and in dorms at schools and universities.
What can we do to keep such an egregious law from coming to pass? While the Equality Act has passed by the House of Representatives, it now lies in the hands of the United States Senate, and eventually our President. Therefore, I am urging you to do as I have done. Contact Alabama Senators Shelby and Jones and urge them to oppose the Equality Act legislation. Contact President Trump and urge him to do the same. As election season approaches in the coming months, be certain to support those candidates who oppose the Equality Act.
Below, I have enclosed a portion of correspondence which I have sent to both Senators and our President. You may use any portion of it in your contact with them as well.
As a proud citizen of the United States and the State of Alabama, I am deeply concerned and disturbed by the passing of bill HR-5 by the U.S. House of Representatives. Our nation has long defended the freedoms of all people and protected the rights granted us by God. However, this bill, deceptively labeled the "Equality Act", will destroy the basic religious freedoms of all Americans should it become law. As you know, the passing of such a law will subject churches, religious schools, faith-based non-profits, faith-based adoption agencies, and countless other businesses and individuals to discrimination charges should they disagree with the lifestyle choices of others. Essentially, one's sexual orientation will trump all rights of another. This will have devastating effects upon individuals, churches, businesses, communities, and society as a whole. The ramifications of this bill present some of the most clear and present danger to our nation as any bill in recent history.
As a pastor of a local church, I have personally witnessed the devastation of sexual immorality and perversion in people's lives. A celebration of such lifestyle choices will erode the moral fabric of our nation. While Americans should have the right to make their own choices regarding morality, the local church must also maintain the right to share the gospel of God's grace to all people, regardless of their agreement or disagreement to that message. The only hope any of us has, including myself, is the gospel of Jesus Christ. The passing of the Equality Act will criminalize the sharing of the gospel in the name of discrimination protection.
Please know that I am praying for you and others whom God has placed in leadership of our nation. May God bless you in your charge to uphold justice and freedom for all people.
The Scriptures plainly foretell that our world will continue to deteriorate morally as the return of Jesus Christ approaches (2 Timothy 3:1-5). However, this should not serve as an excuse to idly stand by while people live and die without the hope of Jesus Christ. While our hope does not lie in government, we must use every means possible to declare the gospel of Jesus Christ. Will you join with me in protecting the freedoms we currently enjoy in sharing the gospel?
“Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love” (1 Corinthians 16:13).
Contact for Senators:
Senator Shelby Senator Jones
Email: Visit www.shelby.senate.gov Visit www.jones.senate.gov
Phone: 202-224-5744 Phone: 202-224-4124
Contact for President Trump:
Email: Visit www.whitehouse.gov/contact/
Phone: 202-456-1111